It sure has been quiet around here lately. I have been editing sessions, shooting new sessions and speaking at a womens group in Albany. Not to mention the new dog we are adopting into our family. He is a 4 year old Beagle named Buddy. He is a pretty sweet dog, when he isn't busy chasing the cats. I have always said I am not an animal person but here I am with 2 cats and 2 dogs! Seriously! Buddy may or may not be a temporary foster dog for our family. Our friends that are moving to Brazil can not take him with them right now but will know by sometime this fall if they can bring him back with them next year.
It has been a crazy er, I mean, fun, few weeks.
And Jessica!!! I have your pictures finished! I will get your disc into the mail today!!!
So here are the latest picture edits, as well as a copy of the handout from my presentation. It has 12 photography tips and I hope some of you might find them useful!

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